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IECBES 2022 - Conference Highlights
First Time Attending a Conference Physically

7 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page. This week, I had an opportunity to travel to Malaysia for the first time to physically attend and present at a reputed scientific conference, IECBES 2022. That was a memorable event in my personal journey. Today, I will briefly summarize conference speeches and presentations in this highlights blog post.

End-to-End Named Entity Recognition
Build the First Web App by Transformers and Gradio

5 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page. In the last half-decade, Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications appear more and more in industrial products or business processes, reaching the same popularity as Computer Vision. Therefore, this field is too big to ignore. In this post, we will first time talk about an important NLP problem, Named Entity Recognition (NER) which is the task of tagging entities in text with their corresponding type. In addition, we will also build a simple AI-core web applicati...

Easy Object Detection
From Classification to Detection with YOLO

9 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page. In the last 2 tutorial series on Domain Generalization and Federated Learning on IoT Devices, we dealt with 2 different types of classification (ECG classification and image classification), the most fundamental (and simple) task in Machine Learning (ML). Today, we will explore how to easily move from classification to object detection, a more advanced task in ML and Computer Vision (CV). Let’s get started.

Federated Learning on IoT Devices - Part 2
From Zero to Hero with Flower

6 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page, this is part 2 of my tutorial series on deploying Federated Learning on IoT devices. In the last article, we discussed what FL is and built a network of IoT devices as well as environments for starting work. Today, I will guide you step by step to train a simple CNN model on the CIFAR10 dataset in real IoT devices by using Flower. Let’s get started.

Federated Learning on IoT Devices - Part 1
Introduction and Setup

2 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Recently, I have started working on the Federated Learning (FL) field, Federated Learning deployment on IoT devices in specific. In this 2-part series of tutorials, I will use a powerful framework Flower to implement a simple FL algorithm on a real network of IoT devices. Let’s get started by summarizing what FL is.

Domain Generalization Tutorials - Part 5
Test-Time Adjustment

3 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page, this is part 5 of my tutorial series about the topic of Domain Generalization (DG). While all previous parts discussed DG methods that focus on the training phase, this article presents a new and unique approach that focuses on the test phase, namely test-time adjustment.

Domain Generalization Tutorials - Part 4
Domain Alignment (and More)

8 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page, this is part 4 of my tutorial series about the topic of Domain Generalization (DG). This article will cover the approach of domain alignment, to which most existing DG methods belong. In addition, we also cover an improvement upon this approach.

Domain Generalization Tutorials - Part 3
Inter-domain Data Augmentation

5 minute read

πŸ‘‹ Hi there. Welcome back to my page, this is part 3 of my tutorial series about the topic of Domain Generalization (DG). From this article, we will explore domain-aware approaches which take the problem domain shift into account. Today, I introduce the first family of methods which is inter-domain data augmentation.